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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Marketing Opportunities with Educational Media

Educational Media, like kid's songs and videos, is an effective medium to engage children and their parents in a meaningful and positive way. Videos and songs can be paired with brands to give back to the community, promote healthy behaviors and to just let kids have fun while learning. Different types of media coupled with an effective marketing strategy to create campaigns can be done on-line, during event marketing, or used together to drive engagement with a fan/consumer base.
Marketing content can be delivered quickly to the consumer with social media tools like blogs, Facebook, Twitter and Linked In. Businesses can create differential and 'sticky' consumer experiences through these types of push/pull campaigns. For example, a push strategy sells directly to the consumer by using promotions and advertising as typical 'push' tools. A pull strategy, on the other hand, is one that creates demand from a consumer to 'pull' them to your product or service. Usually this requires a lot of marketing investment to create consumer demand. However, with the advent of new tools like social media, the ability to more easily make something viral allows for businesses to create a 'pull' with much less up-front investment.
Marketing is about getting a consumer's attention and also keeping it through the marketing funnel. Once consumers are engaged and at the website, for instance, it is important to have their experience be positive and valuable to create the 'stickiness' desired. This refers to the ability of the marketing and experience to keep a customer engaged and coming back as a consumer again and again - hence stickiness.
Educational media is exciting and entertaining. Providing valuable and fresh educational content through kid's songs and kids videos can keep a child or parent coming back to the website and provides opportunities for companies that leverage this unique content to benefit from a brand enhancing customer experience.
When selecting a company to work with it is also important to identify partners that share the same values and want to promote the same positive messages. When combining complementary goals and marketing strategies - educational media provides new options to reach new consumers; give back to the community and drive value for the partners and consumers alike. A great example is Nickelodeon's The Big Green Help, which integrates education with environmental awareness and provides the ability for involvement with the cause.
When Educational Media is integrated with creative marketing strategies - great experiences and value is created for all parties involved.

For more information, please visit: http://www.sillybus.net

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